Saturday, April 16, 2011

Without computer/phone/mp3 player! (Day 16)

Today's task was to unplug.  I unplugged for 12hrs.  No computer, no phone, and no ipod/music.  Man this was tough, even for just 12hrs.  I got up, made my breakfast then I started to knit.  I have been focusing on that a bit more, trying to fix the problems that I first had when I started a few days ago.  I spent a good amount of time on this, and I'm pretty happy about it.  I also ended up borrowing a friend of mine's knitting needles.  They are smaller than my previous ones.

The first one is my first pass on it, then my second one is spending a bit more time with it.

After doing a bit of knitting I ended up going off to draw, I ended up sitting inside a cafe and just drew people as they came by.  I also wanted to research a bit more on different pies to make.  I feel like experimenting a bit more with them, maybe combine some chocolate... maybe some different fruits.  I do have ideas.

After that, I ended up grabbing some food.  I really didn't know the time, as my phone acts as my clock. It was off to really have no concept of time other than the sun.  I tried to calculate the time using the sun and shadows, 11am by my calculation... boy was I wrong.  It was 2:15 pm according to the giant clock at the restaurant.  Good to know I can rely on my survival skills.

I then headed on home after eating, and started reading the religious material Ryan had given to me.  The experience with Islam, was very interesting to me, and I really wanted to know more about other religions.  So Ryan had lent me his Qur'an, Bible and a pamphlet that Jehovah Witnesses handout.  Now... I will start with the JW's,  I understand what they are saying however a lot of their articles sort of avoid any real answers.  I felt very confused after reading their material.  They don't provide you real answers, more just quotes and passages to look up in the bible.  I just don't get it, it is difficult to understand.

The Qur'an and Bible was also a bit different, I could understand a lot of the passages, and teachings.  Ryan suggested I just read the stuff Jesus said, and a few of the other books. Such as Revelations, and Ezekiel.  Revelations was just really depressing, and Ezekiel was like tripping on acid.  I couldn't read through all of the passages Jesus is in, or read all his teachings, but what I did read I sort of agree with.  As for the Qur'an, I had to look up at specific areas to read. I found a lot of it, like the Bible, stuff I agree with.  Way's on treating your fellow human beings, way's on living your life.

I can say being without a phone/computer or even music, is a bit odd.  I never realized how much I check my phone/facebook/internet, I would miss the feeling of it in my pants pocket.  Even walking around the city with no headphones in, listening to podcasts, didn't feel normal. I will need to unplug more on weekends.  Leave the phone at home.


  1. Awesome stuff, Jav! You should post this on Facebook, btw :)

    Also: I recommended Ezekiel and Revelations just because we were talking about crazy/trippy stuff, and how there was a lot of it in the bible. You should also read at least the first bit of Genesis (since it is quoted so often in our culture), and read about Abram/Abraham, as he's a very important biblical figure.

  2. Glad to see you keeping up with the knitting! Looks like you're 1/5th of the way to your very first dishcloth.

    Maybe as summer comes you'll find more days you just want to unplug and enjoy your surroundings, unmolested by facebooks.
