Saturday, April 2, 2011


As a kid I once would take out "Where the side walk ends" by Shel Silverstein from the school library, I don't think I ever really read it, I just got it for the pictures.  Today's task involved writing my own poetry, I have no idea how to start.  I have never been into poetry, I don't really understand it.  I headed to the library, and researched different poets, like T.S. Elliot and Maya Angelou, and different types of poetry such as Free Verse, Sonnets, Haiku, etc.

I was also told to perhaps focus on Sonnets, since they are a bit easier to write.  However... I tried that, didn't work out too well, I couldn't really come with 14 lines of poetry. I got as far as 7, before my mind went blank.  Also, it uses it a specific rhyming scheme and follows iambic pentameter.  I couldn't really get that, so I ended up trying my hand at a couplet.  It is a bit easier than a sonnet, and involves some rhyming.  Here is my first attempt.
In the library
So many books, with plenty of looks
Oh god so many books
That took me 10min to come up with, it was a bit tough to come up with a subject. Then make sure it flows together.  After that I thought I would write about something I like.
An Ode to Sushi
Wrapped in crunchy green
Pulled directly from the sea
White rice, fresh fish
It surely is delish
There we go, I actually like that one a lot.  I hope it is as good as some Vogon poetry out there, if it is that is quite a milestone!

Another day done, and I learned quite a bit.  First off poetry is really hard, there are so many rules, and variations you can do.  I kind of get it a bit more now, but it is still like learning a new language to me.  I'd like to try this again soon, and see what else I can come up with.

Total cost = $0

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